Spring is coming!

Spring is coming!
Picture by A.M.I. Phototgraphy

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas is coming!

Christmas is right around the corner as I write and on its heels will be New Years. I have never been one to make resolutions so I wont, but I feel a change in the breeze as I near my fifties. A change of diet is at hand as I look to the future. I have been scouring the internet for Gluten Free, Sugar Free blogs and I am delighted to report that there are many fine ones to be had. Why you may ask? Well I have been informed by my Doctor that I have Hashimoto's, an auto-immune disorder that attacks the thyroid. Sounds pleasant doesn't it. As I am not one content to just take a pill I have been searching for ways to help my body heal itself. That research has led me to the GF, SF change. I am not unhappy with the turn of events, but I'm embracing it as a challenge, to find delicious alternatives to the things that I love to bake for my family. It's a good thing. Check out the blogs that I subscribe to and you may find yourself wanting to try some of these wonderful baked concoctions.
I'll close with a wish and a prayer that your Christmas is blessed by the presence of your family and loved ones as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cold December

It is cold, too cold. December is ushering in temperatures in the teens. This is not a good beginning for winter. At least not in my humble estimation. We live in a large drafty house. That has always seemed to be our lot in life. We fall in love with the big old houses then pay for it in the winter. Every spring and summer we think, "okay this year we are really going to get things battened down for winter", but summer and fall come and go and we are back in winter no more prepared for it than before. I do love the old houses though, they have their own charm. I am drawn to them like a moth to flames, only in my case I freeze. It's so beautiful in the warmer months with all our mature trees and expanse of grass. The large garden that we share with friends. The big old barn behind the house that has seen more years than I can imagine. Still even in winter the place has it's own beauty. Layers of white and muted blues and gray. The starkness of the large bare trees against a winter sky. The serene stillness. These things are comforting to me. So I guess I will put up with the cold and put on a few more layers, or snuggle under the quilt while I read or watch T.V. Then I'll grumble under my breath as my feet hit the cold wood floors that I love so much and take comfort in knowing that this too shall pass and it will be spring again. Hmmm now where did I put those slippers.